“amblyopia” disease, the silent disease, and Dr. Warn him to eliminate him (photos)
It crawls to us in a terrible calm that does not move a finger so that we do not pay attention to its danger and we do not know about that danger looming in our hearts. Few of us heard about it or paid attention to it, and even thought of presenting its children to ophthalmologists at an early age to check on them.
This is what aroused Dr. Muhammad Hantereh’s dismay at the huge number of children who discovered the disease “lazy eye” in them without the parents noticing or the child complaining.
This is what made him adopt the early detection of children initiative and invite everyone to contribute to this initiative to limit the spread of this disease that creeps as a hidden ghost, in addition to finding solutions with modern technologies instead of old solutions that would psychologically affect the child in terms of his appearance covered with the affected eye in a way that exposes him to ridicule Peers.
And Dr. Muhammad spoke in this regard by saying: The disease is spread within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by 5%, and this percentage indicates that there is one or two students in each class suffering from this disease.
Eye pixels mean weak vision in one eye, which leads to the brain’s response to the healthy eye without the other, and over time the weak eye is completely neglected, which leads to laziness of the eye.
He explained that this does not lead to blindness, but rather the ability of the eye to see becomes 30% – 40% – 50% and every day that passes without treatment for this laziness leads to an increasing weakness of the eye, in order to preserve the health of students and protect them from lazy eye and treat them before deterioration The eye and its weakness, the doctor intends to make an initial examination for all students who do not know if they suffer from eye problems because they have a healthy eye that sees things very clearly since his birth and he sees the same way until the belief that all people are in this state and does not discover that laziness except rarely when it is injured A healthy eye should be aware that the other eye cannot see the child through it, so the initial detection will reduce these cases and limit the exacerbation of the risk over time.
Regarding the initiative that he wants to launch from his clinic, he said that he has already started correspondence with one of the schools, which includes more than 400 students, but he has not yet received approval and explained that he will provide free examination for the scourge of students and will carry out the examination process inside their schools after coordination with the administration.
He referred to the treatment of lazy eye over a period of 200 years as it is treated by covering the healthy eye to strengthen the affected eye with lazy eye, which leads to problems with the healthy eye and being lazy as well. The treatment of this disease was impossible and not available until the smart glasses were brought 3 months ago and provided in a manner. Special for the clinic as the first clinic and it is granted at a very nominal price, so we need to take care of this initiative to provide adequate smart glasses for them.
And he explained that there is a new scientific study that has proven that treating lazy eye with the use of electronic and programmable smart glasses helps improve vision in children and is no less efficient than the old traditional plasters, as “smart glasses” are the first effective new treatment for lazy eye in the last 100 years. .
And remains lazy eye disease, which causes a large proportion of strabismus, and one of the most common causes of vision impairment in children.
The strabismus (caused by the laziness of the eye) occurs as a result of visual impairment in the eye that does not develop normally during early childhood, and this happens when there is one eye that is more weak in view than the other, and Dr. Hantira confirmed (a consultant vision correction surgery in one of the clinics in Jeddah) That the child needs to receive treatment at the age of 8 years or less so that the eyes and the visual system in the brain are still in the process of formation and if it is not treated at this early age, unfortunately the lazy eye remains weak for life.
He emphasized that treating lazy eye with eye patches or eye drops remains a major challenge for both ophthalmologists and parents alike, and a recent study found that 1 in 4 children feel anxious before using eye drops to treat laziness, as well as nearly 15 in Percent of children refuse to wear eye drops or eye patches.
On the other hand, these electronic glasses used in the study combine vision correction with covering the healthy eye, and the coverage in these smart glasses is in the form of lenses consisting of a liquid crystal display (LCD), and it can also be programmed to turn black and thus block vision in the left or right eye for different periods of time. , Behaves like a digital correction that does not come on and off, and with these glasses the eye plug is electronic and after a period of wearing glasses the child learns that the lens will be clear again in a few seconds so that it may be more cooperative with the treatment.
In conclusion, Dr. Hanatera emphasized that parents who have struggled with the drops and patches, these glasses can be the wonderful and comfortable alternative.
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