About us

About us

Dr. Hantera Eye Clinic, Jeddah, KSA

Assistant Professor (Honorary) Ophthalmology, Umm Al-Qura University. He holds a doctorate in ophthalmology. Specialist in corneal diseases and correcting errors of refraction. Specialized in cataract surgeries and lens implants. Has Fellowship of Physician Surgeons - Glasgow - UK Certified by the International Council of Ophthalmology. Member of the Singapore National Institute of Ophthalmology. Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology


Years of Experience in This Field

Our services in Dr. Hantera Eye Clinic, Jeddah, KSA

Contact lens unit for the treatment of keratoconus Cataract unit and the implantation of special lenses. Glaucoma unit Laser vision correction unit Cornea Transplant, Keratoconus and Anterior segment Diseases Unit Dry eye diagnosis and treatment unit Color blindness diagnostic and treatment unit Optics unit

SURFASE Laser group:

PRK - LASEK - Trans PRK - Superlasek Lasik Femtolasek (Intralasek) CUSTOM LASIK (wave lasik) Contura Femtosmile

Lens implantation group:

ICL Lenses Clear lens replacement A group of my colleagues and I have the honor to introduce the latest technologies in the field of treating eye diseases.


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