Lenses treat color blindness


Lenses treat color blindness
 Sight and vision problems are one of the things that most concern many families and individuals, due to the great importance of vision in a person’s life, and seeing is a great blessing that God has given us, but there may be a defect in a person’s ability to see, and this defect hinders his ability to see.  He sees things confused, or he cannot see the letters well, and the injured person may be a small child or a student in the study stages, and the problem increases because this defect affects his educational abilities, and may cause a headache or blurred vision.
 And with the question of Dr. Muhammad Hantira, an honorary assistant professor, the Ophthalmology Department, Umm Al-Qura University, Saudi Arabia
 It became clear to us that among these problems is related to the retina on which the image transferred to the brain is formed. Among the most famous of these defects are myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism, or what is called astigmatism.


 Dr. Hantira explained:
 That there have been many means of treatment and methods of controlling retinal defects, such as glasses and LASIK operations, but there is a new development and a huge revolution in this field, which is called dream lenses that correct vision, and treat retinal problems by placing them on the eye during sleep.


 Dr. Hantira explained:
 These lenses are distinguished by their ability to penetrate oxygen into the eye, which is a type of contact lens, and they reshape the cornea during sleep, and the patient can take it off in the morning and put it only at bedtime, and in this way he can live normally and see a normal vision clearly without using  Glasses or lenses during the day.


 Use of lenses
 Dr. Hantira explained:
 These lenses are used to treat defects inside the cornea, such as:
  Myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

• He pointed out that in cases of myopia, the image does not cluster well on the retina due to the excessive convexity in the shape of the cornea, so those lenses adjust the curvature of the cornea.  It allows the image to be collected correctly on the retina, and from here the image becomes clearer, which has been proven by experiments and the continuous use of these lenses has helped many to correct this defect.

 • These night lenses can be used with young athletes, and with children over the age of eight, as they can play all kinds of sports such as running, swimming and other games without the need for contact lenses.

 • This type of sleep lens is also used for cases that do not fit "LASIK", especially those with a thin cornea with a thickness less than the permissible procedure of LASIK. It is also used for children and adolescents between eighteen years and eight years in cases of wanting to exercise and swim without being bound by glasses or  contact lenses .

 • It is also used to stabilize myopia in children, and to prevent its increase with age and unwanted changes.

 • These lenses are also used in the treatment of nearsightedness and astigmatism in patients with keratoconus, as improving vision helps to maintain a constant level in the scale of vision if they are used regularly.

 • Night lenses also benefit in some cases after LASIK complications, and what results in some cases help to get rid of these complications and treat deficiencies in LASIK operations. The secret of its superiority lies in its ability to maintain vision by at least 50%, and the age of the lens  It ranges from one year to two years and is suitable for treating myopia up to six degrees.

 As for the period of treatment with these night lenses, it has the ability to reduce myopia by at least two degrees after using it for one night, and over time the patient gets rid of myopia within a week or two weeks at most and returns his vision to its normal shape, and after a while the patient can perform the LASIK procedure and get rid of Myopia  forever.